A to Z Challenge – H is for Haiku

April 9, 2015 at 12:05 am | Posted in A-Z Blogging Challenge 2015, Poetry | 16 Comments
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A2Z-BADGE [2015] - Life is Good



Haiku is one of the old forms of Japanese poetry which have crossed over into other languages.


Haiku are normally short descriptive works of only 17 syllables. These are traditionally written in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Modern variations on this standard can be found, and many poets write haiku in 3, 5, 3 lines rather than the traditional. Other variations can also be found.


Japanese haiku deals with nature and the seasons. It contains words and images that would have been familiar with Japanese people. There is normally at least one season, and the focus of the poem is one moment or one image.


With our quite different experiences of the seasons, and of nature, English haiku has come to focus on a wider interpretation, and a seasonal reference is not necessary.


Here are some of my haiku poems, in both traditional and adapted styles.




Silver beam of light

Catches a single dew drop

Shimmering jewel



Golden Moon

Full moon’s golden light

Cascades o’er tranquil waters

Shining path to heav’n



Spider Web

Spider legs

Spinning slender threads

Silken snare




Drum roll from above

Flashing lights provide the show

Downpour the finale




Smooth ovoid casing

Contains new life’s beginnings

Or delicious meal




(c) Linda Visman

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